Our youth have a wonderful time full of fun, food, and worship at Bighouse, held every Sunday evening. This vibrant program appeals to the appetites (both spiritual and physical) of the youth of today. Come see what we have to offer! Please reach out to Janis Zimmerman-Fahy, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries, for more information or call the church office at 215-699-9331.
All youth, grades 6th through 12th, meet regularly for “Bighouse”. Typical meetings occur on Sundays from 6-7:30 and include food, recreation/games, Bible study, journaling/reflection and gathering with other area youth groups. There are also many service and outreach projects that they participate in such as the CROP WALK, Souperbowl of Caring, and 30 hour famine. Of course, there are fun activities planned during the year such as mini-golf, corn maze/hayride, laser tag and snow tubing. Fundraisers and planning for the youth mission trip and youth mission worship service occur as well.
Each summer, the youth attend a week-long mission trip. The purpose is to assist the elderly, physically challenged, and financially insecure population in large and small home repairs, clean-outs, yard work, decks and ramp building, and making sure their home is safe and dry. Youth, young adults and adult leaders may be joined by other youth groups as well. Many work skills are learned while the group is making a difference with a family and a community at large. In addition to working daily at the worksite, there are evening programs to enhance one’s faith journey plus plenty of fun, food, and games.
$10 each for a 9” pot (1 plant per pot)
Cash or check ONLY (made payable to Sanctuary Church) Orders can be placed between August 18th and September 21st
Mums will be available for pick-up Saturday, October 5th between 10am and 1pm.
To order mums, contact the church office or fill out this form.
Confirmation Class is open to youth 8th grade and older. Confirmation allows these youth to publicly “confirm” their intention to live the vows of their baptismal and membership covenant and so become a professing member of Sanctuary United Methodist Church.
Classes are usually held at 10:30am on Sundays beginning in January. Confirmation Sunday is typically the 3rd Sunday in May where the class members join the church. Class material is based on the United Methodist approved confirmation curriculum.
For more information, please contact the church office.
Fundraisers are vital to be able to continue this ministry.
We sure are! You can find order forms in the display in the Narthex or order via our online form.
Each year, the youth collect orders and sing on Valentine’s day for their “singing valentine” fundraiser. Look for an order form in the beginning of the year.
The flamingo flocking is an ongoing fundraiser where one can “hire” our youth to set up between 10 and 90 flamingos in someone’s yard. It’s great for birthdays and special occasions.
Come celebrate with us at our 9:15am Traditional Service or 10:30 am Praise & Worship Service.