Children’s Education on Sundays


Nursery care class student and teacher

Nursery Care

Sundays at 9:15 and 10:30am | Babies – Age 2

Nursery care for babies through age 2 is provided during the 9:15 and the 10:30 worship services every Sunday during the year by our paid nursery attendant.

a photo of the preschool classroom with children and teachers

Pre K/ Kindergarten Sunday School

Sundays at 10:30am in Room 101 | Ages 3-5

The Pre K/K class offers age-appropriate instruction of the stories and teachings of the Bible, basic concepts of Christianity, and introduction of Jesus as Lord and Savior.   Children will enjoy play time, story time, craft time and snack time.  All volunteer teachers have Safe Sanctuary clearances on file.

Sunday school class with snacks

Kids Connection

Sundays at 9:15 and 10:30am | 1st – 7th grade

Kids Connection is available for children in grades 1-7 grades every Sunday during both services (9:15 and 10:30 a.m.) in the education wing.

Kids Connection offers age-appropriate instruction of the stories and teachings of the Bible, basic concepts of Christianity, and introduction of Jesus as Lord and Savior.  The method of teaching is the workshop rotation model (WoRM) which gives the children the opportunity to learn the same story, concept, or challenge for 3-4 consecutive weeks (WoRM units).

Teaching modes change weekly and may include any of the following: science exploration, art, computer lab, games, cooking, drama, music and movement, carpentry, photography, or missions.  This is all under the direction of Janis Zimmerman, Director of Children and Youth ministries.  All volunteer teachers have Safe Sanctuary clearances on file.

Children’s Education During the Week


Nursery School

Monday – Friday

9:30am – 12:00pm (half-day)

9:30am – 2:30pm (full day Pre-K class)

Sanctuary Nursery School offers a place where your child will develop spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially in a Christian atmosphere. The teachers will work with your child both as an individual and as a member of the group. We offer small class sizes and emphasize that learning is fun! Our program is open to the community. For more information, call  to schedule a visit – 215-699-2608 or contact the church office at

Our Ministries

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Get Connected


Contact Janis Zimmerman-Fahy, Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries, for more information or call the church office at 215-699-9331.

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