Sanctuary operates under a “one board” model allowing us to minimize meetings while maximizing ministry. The team is made up of seven-twelve lay members plus the Pastor. In addition to carrying out the defining policies to enable the church to function in alignment with the United Methodist doctrine, this group has a focus on the future of the church through discipleship and mentoring.
Director of Nursery Care
This lay-leader team consists of seven-twelve members plus the Lead Pastor, whose passion for faith growth is matched by a willingness to be held accountable for faith growth, and have a passion for carrying out the function of defining policies to enable the church to further its’ vision, with a focus on the future of the church through discipleship and mentoring.
Pastor Lorraine Foster and Sue Burrell
The Trustees dutifully oversee the everyday care and maintenance of the church building and grounds.
Members of the Trustee Team include Jacklyn Boutcher, Bob Miller, Robert Kohlbus, Carl Gravely, and John Eckert.